Marvel Trivia
Friday 21st February
Want more info?
Assemble your squad, Marvel fans! 
Join us at Vend Marketplace & Café Annerley for an “Infinity-Warrior” trivia night that’s sure to be a Hulk-smash hit!

Join us at Vend Marketplace & Café Annerley for an “Infinity-Warrior” trivia night that’s sure to be a Hulk-smash hit!

Step into our Marvel-ous café for a night of:

Delicious dinner

Super-powered cocktails

Drinks to make you Thor-oughly happy

Plus, our indoor marketplace will be open for late-night trade – perfect for picking up some Iron-clad treasures! 

Don’t miss out – this night will be more legendary than Mjölnir! 

Suit up, grab your tickets, and let the trivia games begin. See you there, true believers! 


Stay in the Loop